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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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School Logo

Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Wolfenden's Wolf Cubs

Wolf Cubs Curriculum Map 2021-2022

General class information


Spring 1🌱🌷🌻🌼


Topics this term:

English - fables

Maths - Multiplication & division

Science - plants

Geography - map skills

Art - Graffiti/street art

PE - swimming

PSHE - rights and responsibilities

Music - Djembe drums

RE - journeys



New spellings and your child's spelling score will be sent via seesaw every Friday.  Please encourage your child to practise these in their spelling homework book and write a sentence for each word. Please then take a photo of this and send through seesaw before the next test. Please do not send the spelling homework book into school.


Homework 📝

This will be sent out through seesaw on a Wednesday evening and should be completed by the following Monday. Please support and encourage your child with their homework. Any problems or questions feel free to message Mrs Wolfenden through seesaw.

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