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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Autumn Term



In English this term we will be studying à Riddles about fairy tale characters, Stories with a familiar setting (focusing on Fairy Tales) and Traditional Tales with a Twist. The writing skills we will be focusing on are:

  • Effective use of verbs and adjectives
  • Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions – and, but, before, after etc.
  • Sentence types – Statements, questions, exclamations and commands
  • Correct punctuation – capital letters, commas, question marks, full stops, exclamation marks
  • Ly adverbs
  • Suffixes
  • Noun phrases


Our Author for the Autumn Term is Tom Fletcher who wrote all the ‘The Dinosaur that pooped...’ We will be reading all these books as well as his novel ‘The Christmasaurus’. The children will also take part in guided reading sessions each day were they can practise their phonics skills and apply them when reading aloud to improve their fluency. Children will also be looking at comprehension skills and learning all about the different types of questions they can be asked such as retrieval, vocabulary, prediction, sequencing and inference.



In maths the children will be learning all about number and place value – making sure they look at the tens and ones and whether numbers are odd or even. We will also be focusing on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 – making sure children are confident when recalling these facts. Children will then start to look at numbers up to 100 and begin to use them in addition and subtraction sums. They will represent numbers using base ten and start to see the first links towards column addition. Later on in the term, we will study money and make sure children can recognise coins and make amounts. Finally, we will look at multiplication and division and focus on counting in groups and sharing in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.



Science lessons take place every Monday afternoon with Mrs Fenn and this term she will be teaching the children all about ‘How humans grow’. Children will learn all about the human life cycle and will also be looking at medicines and how they can make sure they keep their body healthy.



In history the children will be learning all about castles and how they were used as well as learning all about William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings. Then they will move on to learn about famous Kings and Queens throughout history.



In art the children will be working on their painting, layering, printing and collage skills all linked to Autumn! The artist they will be studying is George Seurat who created pointillism! Later in the term the children will test out their digital art skills and create digital art work on ipads focusing on a range of artists such as Van Gough, George Seurat and Piet Mondrian. They will then finish by creating a digital Christmas card in the style of Romero Britto!                             


In PE the children will be working on multi-skills with Accrington Stanley – here they have lots of fun completing games and understanding the importance of different ways of travelling, balance, agility, coordination and team work building skills. Later in the term, the children will be working on Bounce Ball then we will move onto 'Piggy in the middle' and focus on games and finally we will end with Gymnastics.



In music we will be using the ‘Kapow’ scheme. This term will we learn all about beat and rhythm and use these skills with percussion instruments! Later on in the term we will focus on African call and response songs were we will focus on rhythm. Later in the term, we will study 'Musical me' were we will look at melodies.  



In RE we will be learning all about the creation story and begin understand what a Psalm is and begin writing our own Psalms. We will then learn about Jesus’ Baptism and begin to recognise signs and symbols linked to Baptism in the Catholic Church. Finally, we will begin to prepare for Advent and learn about why this is a special time and learn about what we do to prepare for advent in Church and in school. During the Autumn term we will also learn about another religion – the first one will be Judaism where we learn all about Shabbat!



We will be learning all about how to keep safe online and what we can do if we need help when we don't feel safe. Then we will be testing our art skills on the iPads by creating pictures using different tools in the styles of several artists. We will then move on to learning about spreadsheets.



Pshe in the Autumn Term is all about ‘Relationships’. We will discuss and learn about:

  • What makes a good friend?
  • How we can meet new friends
  • Feelings – especially feeling lonely and how we can get help
  • Good and bad secrets
  • Bullying
  • How we can ask for help if we feel unsafe
  • Things we have in common with other people
  • How to solve arguments with others
  • How to share ideas and work together











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