Spring Term
English (More detail can be found on English Overview)
In English this term we will be studying - The film 'Alma' -focusing on diary writing, suspense writing and persuasive writing . Our poetry topic will be based on the poem 'A poem to be spoken silently' by Pie Corbett.
Whole Class Reading
Our Author for the Spring Term is Robert Swindells who wrote the book 'Room 13'. The children will study this book in class and answer a range of questions about it in pairs as well as independently.
Maths (More detail can be found on Maths Overview)
In maths the children will be learning all about fractions, decimals, area/perimeter/volume and percentages.
In science we will be starting the term learning about Earth and space, the solar system and the moon. We will then move on to human and animal life cycles.
History takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and is taught by Mrs Bentley, this term the children will be learning all about the Tudor Era! We will be looking at the War of the Roses, Henry V111 and his six wives, Tudor life and the one the children love most of all, Crime and Punishment!! ...Off with her head!
Art takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and is taught by Mrs Bentley, this term the children will be working on their drawing skills. We will look at famous artists through time and use their inspiration to create portraits of significant individuals in History..... who will you draw .....Henry VIII.....William Shakespeare.....Christopher Columbus???
In PE will will have a specialist coach in teaching us Dance and then move on to our second block of Swimming lessons. Later on in the term, we will continue with Dance and we will be learning the 'Haka' and we will also be learning Hockey.
Music (See Music Overview)
This term we are learning about ‘Blues Music'. We we learn what Blues music is and sing Blues songs, practise playing chords and the blues scale as well as improvisation and song writing.
In French we are focusing on describing the weather.
In RE we will be learning all about Jesus’s mission and our local diocese – what the role of a Bishop is and what his mission is for our local diocese. We will focus on the Gospels and discuss the difficulties Jesus faced when following his mission and talk about the best ways we can overcome disagreements and mixtures of opinions in our own lives. We will then focus on Lent and the sacrifices we make during this time. We will then focus on the pentecost of the power of transformation.
In computing we are learning how to code and debug. We will then study blogging and we will create our own class blog on Purple mash.
In the spring term for PSHE we focus on:
Belonging to a community - Protecting the environment; compassion towards others
Media literacy and Digital resilience - How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact
Money and Work - Identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices; workplace stereotypes