St Mary's are proud to be an Eco School
Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.
Our mission as an Eco school is to help bring about behaviour change in young people and those connected to them so that good habits learned in our schools are followed through into homes and communities.
Since 2003 we have worked together to create an ethos in which children, staff and parents are aware of our mission and work together towards the same Eco goals.
All of the Eco activity in our school is driven by the children and our Eco comittee in particular. You can find out about some of the things we do by looking at photos from some of our events and by reading the minutes of our meetings.
We will use this page to keep you up to date with Eco news and ways in which you can get involved.
Eco Committee
Usually we have 2 Eco Reps from each class which are chosen through a class vote. These pupils will then attend meetings and feedback to the class.
Eco Bricks
The Eco Reps in Dolphins class, together with Mrs Fenn are working with Bob Turner on an exciting project for our school grounds. We now have fantastic outdoor tables and benches to form our outdoor classroom.
We are all now taking part in the WOW Walk to School Living Streets project. This encourages pupils to walk, or partly walk to school. Pupils record their method of transport daily and the more they walk, the more badges they collect! The website also helps us to analyse how we are getting along with walking more. We now also have bike and scooter racks in school to encourage pupils to cycle or scoot to school. Take a look at their website below: