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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Lomberg's Lobsters

Welcome to Year 6!

Class Teacher: Mrs L Lomberg

Teaching Assistant: Ms Anderton

Year Group: Six

On this page, myself and Ms Anderton will keep you up to date with what we are studying each term and any other important information as we progress our Year 6 journey.


If you would like to ask me anything or need further information please contact me via our Seesaw class page or call the school office and I will be more than happy to help. 

Mrs Lomberg.




Things to remember:


  • Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. To minimise disruption in class, on these days children should come to school in their PE kit. In colder weather it is acceptable to wear black leggings or jogging bottoms.
  • Reading Books – In Lomberg's Lobsters the children have free choice of their home reading book from our class library (unless they are working on a specific scheme agreed with parents/carers). Their home reading book can be returned to class any day once your child has completed the book and when their home reader diary has been signed. Children can read and sign their home reading diary independently, however we still recommend that you read with your child as much as possible.
  • Spellings – ***Spellings will be sent home via Seesaw.*** Words will be sent home every Monday to be learnt and practised for their test on Friday. Children should practice at home and submit this to their seesaw. Each word needs to be written by hand correctly three times and then put into a sentence to show understanding of the meaning and to encourage the use of these words in independent writing.
  • Homework – ***Homework will be sent home via Seesaw.*** It will go home every Wednesday and is to be completed and submitted on Seesaw by the following Monday. The work will be on a variety of curriculum areas and will support our class work. Please talk to your children about the work and ask them to explain to you what they are doing, as this will help their understanding. If children are ever struggling or worried about homework please ensure they speak to me before the Monday deadline as I will be happy to help. 

Curriculum Map Year 6 Lomberg's Lobsters.

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