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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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School Logo

Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Egan's Eagles

Eagles Curriculum Map

Some useful Information.

Welcome To Egan's Eagles 

Things to remember:


  • P.E day's are Monday and Wednesday.  A reminder PE kits need to be in school for children to get changed into. 
  • Reading Books – In KS2 children have  a home reading book to read at home. The home reading books will be changed when finished. Please try and read with your child as much as you can at home even if it is just for a few minutes and sign and date when you have done so. 
  • Spellings – Words will be sent home every Friday to be learnt and practised for the test on the following Friday. Each word needs to be written in a sentence to show understanding of the meanings and to encourage the use of these words in independent writing. 
  • Homework – Homework will be spellings and reading plus other activities to support children's learning. Please talk to your children about the work and ask them to explain to you what they are doing, as this will help their understanding.
  • Seesaw - This will allow you to keep up to date with what your children are learning in class and see examples of their work and also allow access for any required Home Learning. 


Spring 1 


For English we will be studying poems by Michael Rosen. 

In Maths we will be concentrating on area and multiplication and division. 

In Science we will be learning about Electricity. 

Our topic for this term will be the Anglo Saxons. 

In PE we will focussing on creative games and dance. 

For DT the children will be making Anglo Saxon broaches. 

Our RE theme for this term is Community. 

In PSHE our topics will be Families and feelings. 

In French our topic is French numbers and ages. 

In Computing we will be learning about coding and online safety.  

In Music our topic is Developing Singing. 


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