Church News

Saint Mary's RC Church is our Parish Church which we visit regularly. Father O'Brien is the Praish Priest who we love and enjoy sharing our prayers with him.
Mass Times at Church are as above and any changes can be found on the weekly newsletters below.
Father O'Brien can be contacted on 01254 232433
Advent at Home
Salford Diocese have produced some fantastic resource to help you 'prepare the way' this Advent at home:
Masses during COVID-19
During COVID-19 Church has re-opened and Masses are taking place. Mass at Saint Mary's can only accommodate 30 people to safely socially distance. Due to this Mass needs to be booked using the link below to the Church website.
Coffee Morning
Church are holding a coffee morning on Monday 10th February from 9.15am -11am. This is an opportunity to get to know others in our local parish. Why don't you pop along after the school drop off?
Baptism Course
The next Baptism course for Roman Catholic families will be after the 10am Mass on Sunday 2nd February 2020. The following session withh be on Sunday 8th March 2020.
Sacramental Programme
Any child who is in Year 3 or above is eiligible for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If you would like your child to take part in this Sacrament please see Father O'Brien at Church after Mass ASAP. The programme will begin in October 2019.