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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Our Staff Team

Staff List

Head Teacher - Mrs LJ Wolstenholme 


Lobsters Year 6 - Mrs L Lomberg (Assistant Head Teacher, DSL, Mathematics Lead, Equality and Diversity and Assessment Co-ordinator).

Quackers Year 5/6 - Miss Quinn (DSL, English, Music and Behaviour Lead)

Tigers Year 4/5 - Mrs Taylor (ECT)

Eagles Year 3/4 - Mr Egan  (DSL, SENCo, History and Geography Lead and EVC Co-ordinator) Mrs Vokes (Friday Teacher)

Wolf Cubs Year 3 -  Mrs Wolfenden ( R.E Lead and More Able Co-ordinator)
Rhinos Year 2 - Miss Roberts (Science, Online Safety and Computing Lead) 

Dolphins Year 1/2 - Mrs Duckworth (Deputy, DSL, CLA Pupils and French Lead)

Ladybirds EYFS/Year 1 - Mrs Layfield (EYFS and Key Stage One Lead, PSHE, Art and Design Technology Lead)

Meerkats EYFS - Mrs McGarry (Early Reading and Phonics Lead) 


Support Assistants

Mrs J Varey

Mrs D Stenton

Mrs N Giller

Mrs A Radigan

Mrs S Murray

Mrs C McLennan

Mrs G Pinder

Miss S Anderton


Higher Level Teaching Assistants

Mrs H Collins 

Mrs J Moseley

Mrs E Berry

Mrs A Fenn (Eco Lead)

Mrs Z Bentley (GIFT Team)


Office Manager

Mrs D Reddin


Office Clerk

Mrs A Hibbert


Welfare Staff

Mrs Powdrill

Mrs Pinder

Miss Anderton

Mrs T Kerr

Mrs Clarke 

Mrs McCaffrey

Mrs Gaffney

Mrs Bano

Mrs Cardoo

Mr Berry 


Site Supervisor

Mr I Kimberley 


School Counsellor:

Jo Whalley (Wednesdays only)


Learning Mentor:

Tina Salmon (DSL, Monday and Tuesday only) 

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