Class Notices
Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child comes into school on both days with their correct kit with names on all their items and pumps.
Reading Books
These will be changed on Monday or Wednesday every week (Your child will know what group they are in). Reading books will only be changed when the book can be read fluently and understood and if it has been signed by an adult. Children will always be asked to clearly recall the story before books are changed. Children are encouraged to read their book at home at least 3 times a week to develop their fluency and understanding. This is important to ensure they progress well throughout the year. It is really important to ask your child questions as they read to ensure they understand what they are reading. Please comment with any areas your child struggled on or any other helpful comments - the more you comment, the more we can best support your child.
Phonics words/Spellings
Phonics words/spellings are given out in their spelling on Friday and are tested the following Friday. Please help your child to practise and learn their spellings each week. Children in Year 2 must write the spellings in the chart and also to put them in to sentences to ensure that they understand the words meaning. Scores will be written into their home spelling book.
Maths homework is given out via Seesaw on a Wednesday.