Summer Term
In English this term we will be studying à Non-chronologic reports (On an alien), Poems on a theme (space theme) and Animal adventure stories (Focusing on the story Rocket Mole)
- Effective use of ly adverbs, verbs and adjectives
- Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions – and, but, before, after etc.
- Sentence types – Statements, questions, exclamations and commands
- Correct punctuation – capital letters, commas, question marks, full stops, exclamation marks, ellipsis
- Suffixes and prefixes
- Year 2 spelling rules
- Rhyming words
- Fact and opinions
- Noun phrases
- Use of thesaurus
- Headings and subheadings – gathering information
- Editing and proof reading skills
Our Author for the Summer Term is Jeff Brown who wrote all the ‘Flat Stanley’ adventure books. The children will also take part in guided reading sessions each day were they can practise fluency and pace and begin to work on their expression skills. Children will also be looking at comprehension skills and learning all about the different types of questions they can be asked such as retrieval, vocabulary, prediction, sequencing and inference.
In maths the children will be learning all about position and direction and focus on directions such as up, down, left and right and looking at ½, ¼, ¾ and whole turns. Next, children will study Mass, capacity and temperate and learn to read different skills and focus on estimating, comparing and ordering. We will then learn about statistics and collect data in tally charts and represent this data in pictograms and block graphs. Finally, we will finish the Summer time by looking at lengths and heights using cm and m.
Science lessons take place every Monday afternoon with Mrs Fenn and this term she will be teaching the children all about ‘Plants’ à looking at different types of plants and carrying out experiments to test what plants need in order to grow. Finally, children will study materials and learn the characteristics of materials and use these to help them come with ideas of experiments to carry out in class.
In History children will be learning about Significant explorers and learn about what makes someone significant and look at famous explorers and what they achieved and why it is still important today. In geography we will look at our world and learn about the 7 continents and 5 oceans and use these to help us plan journeys around the world as well as learn about different climates of our continents.
In DT children will study Mechanisms and design and make their own Moon Buggies. Children will plan their design carefully and evaluate each section and then use this to create their final piece where they will use a range of materials as well as practising their sawing skills! Later in the Term children will continue with their food technology skills and create their own ‘Planet pizzas’ thinking about healthy foods and using skills such as cutting, grating and measuring.
In PE the children will be working on their fielding and striking skills through games and then will move onto dance were we will pretend to be explorers. How exciting! Finally we finish our Summer term with Athletics, followed by on overall assessment of our fundamental movement skills ahead of starting KS2!
In music we will be learning all about the different musical instruments used in an orchestra! We will listen to them and hopefully be able to identify instruments through pictures and sounds! Our final topic of the year is linked to Space and we will be focusing on timbre, tempo and motifs!
In RE we will be learning about why we should Spread Good news and learn about Jesus’ Ascension and the Pentecost. We will then focus on rules and the different parts of Mass and practise giving our first confessions. We will then learn about our second other religion ‘Islam’ and learn about the parts of the mosque, prayer and Wudu. Our final topic for the year is ‘Treasures’ we will discuss why God’s world is a treasure and why we are all treasures to God and write our own prayers and Psalms.
We will be learning about different ways to present ideas digitally and finish the year looking at coding. We will learn how to programme instructions and ‘debug’ errors in code. We will then use these skills to create own out short stories and games.
Pshe in the Summer Term is all about ‘Healthy and Wellbeing’. We will discuss and learn about:
- How to maintain good physical and mental health
- Why sleep is important
- Dental and personal hygiene
- Medicines – Do’s and Don’ts
- Healthy eating
- Feelings
- How we can be calm
- How to deal with loss of a loved one
- When to ask for help with our feelings
- The human life cycle
- Changes in our bodies as we grow
- Preparing to move to our new class