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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Autumn Term

English (more detail can be found on English Overview)

In English this term we will be focusing on the book 'Tuesday' by David Weisner. Children will use this book as a stimulus for Newspaper/Journalist writing and Adventure story writing. We will also work on 'I don't like poems' focusing on features of Grammar in Year 5 and 6.


Whole Class Reading

Our Author for the Spring Term is Ben Davies who wrote the book 'What's that in dog years?'. The children will study this book in class and answer a range of questions about it in pairs as well as independently.


Maths (more detail can be found on Maths Overview)

For the Autumn term in maths, we will be focusing on Place value, addition and subtraction, fractions and multiplication and division. Maths fact sheets will be sent home weekly to support children with their learning in maths.



In science we will be studying properties of materials and will  investigate: irreversible & reversible changes, separation, filtering, sieving, condensation, melting and dissolving. We will then move on to Forces and their effect on movement. We will investigate the forces of:  friction, water resistance, air resistance, gravity (and its affects on Earth) and how different forces can work against each other. 



Geography takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and is taught by Mrs Bentley, this term the children will be learning all about Maps and Brazil!! We will learn all about the World Map, Compass Points , Latitude and Longitude and lots more Key Vocabulary!!

We will compare Brazil to the North West.....where do you think you would prefer to live?



Art takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and is taught by Mrs Bentley, this term the children will be Studying the Brazilian artists Romero Britto and Breatriz Milhazes!  


Design and technology

DT takes place on a Tuesday afternoon and is taught by Mrs Bentley, this term the children will be working on teamwork in design and creation.  As a team you will be designing and testing a bridge - will yours be the strongest?

We will also be designing and making a Brazilian Headress to wear during our Samba performance!!



In PE will will begin the year with Dodgeball and Creative games, focusing on numerous skills. We will then learn Gymnastic skills and also take part in our first swimming lessons of the year.


Music (See Music Overview)

This term we are learning about ‘Samba’ music through lessons with Lancshire Music Service. We will explore all the instruments linked to samba and practise many different rhythm patterns. We will create many pieces which we can’t wait to perform to you at the end of the term!



In French we are focusing on describing our family.



In RE we will be learning about how we are children of God and made in the likeness of God. we will be celebrating our qualities and talents and thanking God for making us all unique. We will then study the sacrament of marriage. We will then study another religion; focusing on Judaism. We will then move onto Advent and the hope Isaiah showed about the arrival of Jesus, our saviour.



In computing we are learning about databases and how we can search for information and create graphs using different databases. We will then attend Mt Carmel high school for some computing lessons which will focus on net working. 



In the spring term for PSHE we focus on:

Families and friendships-Managing friendships and peer influence

Safe relationships-Physical contact and feeling safe

Respecting ourselves and others-Responding respectfully to a wide range of people; recognising prejudice and discrimination









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