Quinn's Quackers
Welcome to Quinn's Quackers Class Page!
Class Teacher: Miss Quinn
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pinder
PPA Cover and Interventions: Mrs Bentley
Year Groups: 5 and 6
Curriculum Map
English Overview
Maths Overview
Music Overview
Class Notices:
PE: Quackers PE days are Thursday and Friday
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit brought to school. This should be a plain white t-shirt (no logo), black/navy shorts/joggers and trainers. All items of their PE kit should be clearly labelled with your child's name. If you child has no kit, they will wear spare items from school. Earrings must be removed for all PE lessons.
Weekly Spellings: Spellings will be sent home every Friday and children will be tested at the end of the week, on the following Friday. Children will bring home their usual, yellow spelling book and this is to be returned to school each week. Please encourage your child to learn their spellings each week and practise their words in their spelling grid as well as writing each word in a detailed sentence. If spellings/sentences that are not completed or handed in on time will be completed in Break/Golden Time.
Home work/ Home maths recall facts : Maths recall facts will be sent home weekly to help your child with their learning in maths lessons. Children will not be formally tested on these in class, but learning them will have a positive impact on their confidence and progress within mathematics.
Children in Year 6 will receive homework to prepare them for the transition to High School. homework will link to areas of the curriculum and will be given out on a Wednesday to be returned the following Monday.
Home Readers: In our class, children have the responsibility and freedom to change their 'home reader' as and when they wish to do so. All that we ask of the children is that this is done on a regular basis and this will be monitored by staff in class. Adults must sign their child's Home Reading Record when their child has read to them. Children will be allowed to choose their own reading books, suited to their interests and reading ability. There will be a wide range of genres for children to choose from so there really is something to suit everyone! Children will be awarded certificates for every reading milestone that is met. Reading is a very important skill for children to develop and has many benefits so please try to encourage your child to read for around 15 minutes each day, or as much as possible.
Useful links:
Lockdown lessons for homeschooling - BBC Bitesize
Oxford Owl for School and Home
The work to be covered across all curriculum areas can be found on our class page using the curriculum map tab.
I hope that these links are of some use to you all. Thank you for your continued support. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact me either on SeeSaw or by ringing the school office.
Many thanks,
Miss Quinn