Curriculum Overview
At Saint Mary's we teach a creative curriculum where each class teacher uses the interests of their pupils to set the topic of learning. This topic of learning over arches across many subjects where possible links can be made. Each class has their curriculum map on their class page for the school year.
Our curriculum topics meet the skills and progression of the National Curriculum 2014. This can be found using this link:
Curriculum Maps
Below are the curriculum maps for each class. These give an overiew of the areas they will cover throughout the year. They are also on their class pages.
Class Curriculum Maps
Online Safety:
British Values
Please see the attached document for how Saint Mary's teaches British Values throughout our school curriculum.
From September 2020, PSHE is statutory in schools (school shave been given until Summer 2021 to implement). At Saint Mary's we have always taught PSHE weekly and have always recognised its importance. We will be following units from the PSHE Association but tailoring them to ensure they meet our school context. Sex and relationships education will also be statutory but again, this is something we have always covered. Our Sex and Relationships education is taught using a Salford Diocese approved scheme called A Journey in Love. Parents and carers will always be informed before a class is taught Sex and Relationships Education. Parents are always welcome to view the work being covered before it is taught. Please see the document for the units covered in each year group.