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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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School Logo

Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

Taylor's Tigers

Welcome to the Class page for Taylor's Tigers



Class Teacher: Mrs Taylor

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Murray

Year Groups: 4 and 5


Hello and welcome to the class page for Taylor's Tigers.

Here you will find information on our class curriculum and our knowledge organisers.

We will try to keep you updated with all of the interesting things that are going on in our classroom along with any important information we think you might need.

Please visit us as often as you can!


At the start of day, we will be welcoming pupils at the classroom fire/outside door from 8.35-8.45am.


If parents need to contact Mrs, Taylor or Mrs Murray  this can be done in the following ways:

  • Seesaw 
  • Leave a message at the school office to be passed onto to us
  • Ask us to ring you later in the day
  • Make an appointment to see us
  • Speak to us at the start or end of the school day at the classroom door.



Some useful information for the Autumn Term

PE:  For the Autumn term our P.E. days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Pupils will come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the days of their class sessions. School P.E. kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts, or black, grey or navy leggings or jogging pants. School jumpers can be worn over the white t-shirt and trainers can be worn or school shoes with pumps in the school bag to change into. During the first half of the Autumn term,  P.E on both days will take place at school. In the second half of the Autumn Term P.E. will take place on Tuesday afternoon and  Friday morning where we will attend swimming lessons  at the pool at Accrington Academy. On these days children should come into school in full uniform and bring their swimming kits with them. Duri8ng the spring and summer terms, both sessions will be in school.


Home Reading Books:   In Taylor's Tigers pupils will select their own book from a variety of fiction and non-fiction books aligned to their reading age. They can select to suit their interests and reading ability. All children will be encouraged to read regularly at home and will be rewarded with a certificate for each ten books read. As reading is such an important area please ensure that your child reads at home for at least 10 minutes every day.

Books will be changed daily, meaning that as soon as a pupil returns their completed book and their reading record has been signed by an adult, they will be able to select a new book.


Spellings: Spellings will be sent out each Friday and will be tested the following Friday. Pupils will have a yellow exercise book with their weekly spellings glued in and they will complete their spelling homework in this each week. Please help your child to practise and learn their spellings at home. Words should be written daily using the 'Look, Say, Write, Cover, Check' method and to demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary each word needs to be written into a sentence too. Show your English skills by demarcating your sentences with a variety of punctuation and always join your handwriting. 


Homework: This will be sent out on a Wednesday and needs to be completed by the next Monday. This gives the children plenty of time to complete the work set and also opportunity to ask the teacher for help if required. Homework will always relate to the work that is being completed in class that week. Certificates will be awarded for completing homework tasks each week for each half term. For those pupils who need it, Homework Club can be attended each Monday lunchtime in school.




All pupils have their passwords and login details for these websites, which they can access at home to support their learning:

  • Edshed - with access to Spelling Shed and Maths Shed.
  • IDL - Reading, spelling and Maths practice.
  • Purple Mash - activities for all curriculum areas.
  • TTRock Stars - Times tables practice..



Curriculum Map 2024/2025

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