Mount Carmel Partnership
We are extremely proud to be a feeder school for Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School in Accrington. Mount Carmel work tirelessly to provide our school with lots of extra curricular activities as well as a taste of life at High School for our Year 5 and Year 6 children. Some of these events include: Mad for Maths/Excited for English/Computing/Science competitions throughout the year; a Year 5 enrichment programme focusing on a wealth of different subjects throughout the year where our children visit and are visited by Mount Carmel; STEM workshops and award; musical events such as the 'Accrington Market Place Carol Singing' event and the 'Mount Carmel Carol Concert'. We also have eco-links with the school.
Have a look at the images below to see the events and activities we have taken part in together:
Chaplaincy Day March 2024
Eight members of our pupils GIFT Team visited Mount Carmel for their Chaplaincy Day on Wednesday 20th March 2024. They had a great day working together with pupils from other local Catholic schools. Photos can be seen here:
Year 5 Step Up Day June 2022
On Thursday 25th June all of our Year 5 children took part in the Step Up Day at Mount Carmel. They had the opportunity to learn about the Ancient Egyptians during a history lesson and had lots of fun investi8gating 'Egyptian Chemicals' using a Bunsen burner in the science labs. They loved the experience and all came back with big smiles!

GIFT Team Day
On Monday 21st March, our pupil GIFT Team attended a special day organised by Mount Carmel. We had the opportunity to work with other Catholic primary schools and share our ideas and thoughts around Fratelli Tutti. You can see lots of pictures from the day here:
Eco Action Day
On Tuesday 15th March 6 of our eco reps attended an eco action day at Mount Carmel. They had a fantastic time and came back full of enthusiasm and ideas. You can read more about the day here:
Crazy For Science!
On February 24th 2022 we took a team of Year 5 and 6 pupils to compete in the Crazy for Science competitions with other local primary schools. Although we didn't win, we had a great time! Click the link to read more:
Catholic Schools Partnership Joint Inset Day
On February 11th 2022 staff from school attended a joint INSET day with other Catholic Primary Schools at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel. We listened to an incredible speaker, David Wells and ended the day with a Mass given by Bishop John Arnold concelebrated by Father O'Brien. It was a great day and a fantastic reminder of why our Catholic schools are so special. Click the link to read more:
Year 7 Welcome Mass
ON 21st October 2022, Mrs Wolstenholme attended the Welcome Mass for all new Year 7 pupils at Mount Carmel. This was a lovely service and also a great chance to see how our old Year 6 pupils had settled into their new school. Please click the link to read more: