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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

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Saint Mary's

RC Primary School

We live, learn and grow together with Jesus

School Events (Personal Development)

Enrichment at Saint Mary’s 

We love enriching our curriculum and learning experiences at Saint Mary’s through events, visitors, performances, trips and competitions. See below for what we’ve been up to: 

Dave Draws Doodle Workshops- October 2024

On Wednesday 16th October we welcomes Dave Draws into school, a professional artist who creates doodle style pictures of local areas. We challenged him to help us create one of Oswaldtwistle. The children all thoroughly enjoyed his workshops and really tried hard with their own doodles.

Dogs Trust Workshops- January 2024

We invited the Dogs Trust to come to school to work with all pupils on safety around dogs. Each class had a workshop tailored to their age range and we had a whole school assembly together too. The information in the sessions was very useful; not just to pupils being around our school dog Winnie, but also for pupils when they come across a dog they don't know out and about. 

Food bank Donations- January 2024

We heard that Oswaldtwistle Churches Together Food Bank were running very low on donations. We asked every pupil to bring in one item to donate... and as always, you came through! The food bank came and collected the items from us and were so grateful for your support! 

EYFS Learn to Ride- January 2024

On Wednesday 17th January, all pupils in EYFS took part in the Learn to Ride sessions hosted by GoVelo. Pupils had a great time practising their skills on balance and pedal bikes and it was amazing to see some pupils even begin riding alone during the sessions. 

Accrington Market Hall carol Singing


On Tuesday 5th December, our school choir took part in carol singing in Accrington Market Hall with other local Catholic schools. This is the 10th year the event has been running and each year it is a reminder of how lovely hearing children singing carols is. 

Blessing the Advent Wreath 


On Friday 1st December our pupil GIFT Team planned and led a liturgy for the whole school. We learned all about why Advent is so special and what the Advent wreath means. Father O'Brien then came to bless the Advent wreath for us.

Science Day November 2023 


On Wednesday 15th November we held a science day in school. All classes looked at woodlice through observation and classification and it was what to see how this looked across school from EYFS up to Year 6. The children had a great time on the school grounds finding woodlice, drawing them and looking at them through magnifying glasses. 


As part of science day, we also invited pupils to take part in a science investigation at home and bring in the results. We had amazing entries- look at the photos below:

Remembrance 2023

The pupil GIFT Team held a family worship on the theme of Remembrance. They read poems and Bible readings, held a minutes silence, gave out poppies and pupils from Lobster's Class gave a rendition of 'The White Cliff's of Dover'. 

Some members of the GIFT Team also attended the war memorial in the Church grounds along with pupils from St Oswald's and Sacred Heart and some parishioners. Parishioner Anthony Flanagan sang a rendition of 'Willie McBride' and prayers were said by all. 

December 2022 - Christmas Fair

November 2022 - Steven Brown Musician Visiting Quackers

November 2022 - Zak Khan Local Councillor Visiting Year 6 for Parliament Week. 

November 2022 - Year 6 Guitar Performance 

October 2022 - Rosary Procession in Church

October 2022 - Mad 4 Maths Competition at Mount Carmel

October 2022 - Opera Workshop

September 2022 - Accrington Stanley Shirt Giveaway!

Music Day- June 2022


Tuesday 21st June was Music Day! We took part in this fabulous day (and actually extended it over two)! We invited Alua Nascimento into school who is part of The Beat Goes On. He has performed with STOMP! the musical. Workshops were held for all classes over the two days. Pupils really enjoyed the sessions!

Ambitions Day- June 2022


On 16th June, we held our first Ambitions Day in school. We held this to show children a variety of different job roles, open discussions about their dreams, look into what skills and qualit8ies are needed for job roles and to allow our pupils to aim high! We had numerous visitors in school to speak to the children including:

  • Kate- an illustrator

  • Rachel- business owner and baker from Finch Bakery

  • Cassandra- runs a theatre company

  • Matt- a musician 

  • James- an England netball player

  • Damian- firefighter and ex soldier

  • Michael- a chartered surveyor 

  • Sophie- a garment technologist 


All the pupils listened really well to their speakers and asked them some great questions! 

Healthy Eating Week- June 2022


We held a Healthy Eating Week in school! Every class took part in activities which included preparing, chopping, cutting, naming and tasting lots of different healthy foods. Plates and kebab sticks were really colourful, everyone enjoyed and some pupils even found new favourites! 

Rocksteady! June 2022


On Friday 10th June we had a visit from Rocksteady! This is a company who show children a variety of instruments, allow them to have a go and, invite some to take part in a special club which creates a band! The children (and staff!) loved it! They were singing along and really enjoyed having a go with some new instruments... we even saw some hidden talent from some pupils! 

Gypsy/Roma Traveller Month- June 2022


June is Gypsy/Roma Traveller month! To celebrate this month and to continue to build diversity in our curriculum, we invited in leaders from the  Gypsy/Roma Traveller Team. They taught pupils how to make traditional flower crafts... they look amazing! 

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee- May 2022


On Thursday 26th May we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We invited pupils to come dressed as kings or queens or to wear red, white or blue. We held a ‘create a crown’ competition where had so many wonderful entries. Mandy in Quackers and Bonni I’m Dolphin’s class we’re the winners! Well done! We had a special picnic lunch... we did want to eat outside but the Lancashire weather put an end to that plan! Each class also learnt about a decade of the Queen’s reign and we all presented what we had found in a whole school assembly. We ended the day by singing the national anthem together. 

Crowning of Our Lady- May 2022


Throughout May we always celebrate Our Lady. On 25th May, we invited Father O’Brien to celebrate this special month with us in a short liturgy with the pupils. Pupils were invited to bring plants and flowers to school and we were inundated! Plants will be planted by Year 6 in the garden around our statue there an flowers will remain around the statue in school. Thank you to all our families for their donations! 

SportsCool Taster Day- May 2022


We welcomed in a company called SportsCool. They delivered free taster sessions on either frisbee or tri-golf for all classes! The pupils all really enjoyed their sessions and had a great day! 

Library Visits- May 2022


Before COVID, we had regular visits to Oswaldtwistle Library. We are so pleased we are able to resume these again. Various classes have made a visit there this week and it's been a real joy to see the pupils engaged and excited by the library and it's services. 

Fire Service Visit- April 2022


Year 2 and Year 3 enjoyed a visit form the Fire Service! They talked about lots of important thigs such as the need for a fire plan at home and asking parents and carers to check their smoke alarms. 



Little People, Big Changes


On Wednesday 20th April performers from The Civic Theatre came to school to perform a whole school play for us called 'Little People, Big Changes'. This centered around climate change and how this is changing our earth and what we can do to help. As an active Eco School, this was great for us to listen to and gave us all food for thought. 

Commonwealth Baton Relay- April 2022


Today, 14th April 2022, we received the Commonwealth Games baton from sacred Heart Primary School! We were excited to pass this onto Saint John, Stonefold. 

Science Day 2022

On Tuesday 15th March we all celebrated Science Day as part of British Science Week. Miss Roberts, our science lead had arranged the science boffins to visit us and we were lucky to have Boffin Rodney for the day. Boffin Rodney worked with every class in some awesome experiments and certainly got us excited about science. Winners from the science competition also got a special session with Boffin Rodney at lunch time. 

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